Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wesele w Polsce (Wedding in Poland)

I was in Poland for the Holidays. This was my third trip to the country that I now love! Joanna and I had a wedding out there which was UNREAL! Imagine a party that lasted 3 days: each day's festivities going well into the early morning with non-stop drinking and eating. Maybe for a guy like Dom Delouise that's normal but I'll be damned if that don't wear out even the strongest of men. Good times, good memories and good people. I can see myself living there. The dream would be to have a house built in a small town (close to a city in case I get stir crazy) and to have a farm. My wife and I would have chickens (not to be confused with the dude below...well just keep reading and you'll understand that), a goat and we would grow all of our own vegetables. Man, that just sounds great to me, what do you think?

Can I just say that I love this guy! Darius is the man! The girl he's dancing with is my sister and she's the shit too but let's talk about Darius aka Chickkkkkeeeen! I spent a good bit of time with him while I was in Poland. Anyways, instead of spouting a bunch of words about how great he is just look at this picture and admire the man!

Sacrificial Blog Post

So yeah. I never thought I would be typing into a "blog" but alas I'm fucking typing a blog post! Everyone listen up! There is no theme [yet] so chances are you'll be reading about my daily thoughts. Ooh, Maybe I should've called this blog; Daily Thoughts! That name was probably taken. Every name you could think of for a blog has been taken! It took me 20-25 times before I decided to just think of some stupid name that no one would've thought of or even wanted. Baby Arms. No one on blog spot had taken that name, that means you're all stupid! So that's the name of this blog; Baby Arms. What does it mean, I’m not sure. Take on your own definition, it's fun. I like to picture adults with baby arms whenever in doubt. If you're mad at someone, picture them with baby arms. I guarantee you'll just laugh off their stupidity.
Speaking of stupidity, a lot of the people I work with are stupid! Why do people think I want to have a conversation with them? When I stop looking at you and no longer acknowledge your presence that is your time to bow out gracefully. Actually, graceful is not the word, you lost your time to end any conversation gracefully when I stopped listening about 1 minute into your mindless anecdote.
In closing; welcome again to my blog. I promise it will be fun. Keep coming back. I promise I’ll put up pictures because I know you people don't like to read too much. Give me some comments. I like constructive comments. Actually negative is a better word. Please leave negative comments.