Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wesele w Polsce (Wedding in Poland)

I was in Poland for the Holidays. This was my third trip to the country that I now love! Joanna and I had a wedding out there which was UNREAL! Imagine a party that lasted 3 days: each day's festivities going well into the early morning with non-stop drinking and eating. Maybe for a guy like Dom Delouise that's normal but I'll be damned if that don't wear out even the strongest of men. Good times, good memories and good people. I can see myself living there. The dream would be to have a house built in a small town (close to a city in case I get stir crazy) and to have a farm. My wife and I would have chickens (not to be confused with the dude below...well just keep reading and you'll understand that), a goat and we would grow all of our own vegetables. Man, that just sounds great to me, what do you think?

Can I just say that I love this guy! Darius is the man! The girl he's dancing with is my sister and she's the shit too but let's talk about Darius aka Chickkkkkeeeen! I spent a good bit of time with him while I was in Poland. Anyways, instead of spouting a bunch of words about how great he is just look at this picture and admire the man!

1 comment:

  1. I'm about to expose a huge media lie - Michael Flatley is NOT the Lord of the Dance - it's actually Chicken!!!!!!
