Friday, February 27, 2009

Chalk one up for the geeks!

What do you know about Randy Newman? He's an old guy who writes stupid songs and sounds like he's got a potato roll in his mouth when he sings. Right? ...Not right! I used to think that too. You'll change your tune (ha, no pun intended) as well in about 3 minutes and 28 seconds!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wait, who are we talking about?

Damn you Amy Adams! Why are you in every movie these days? Stop it, you're making me angry!

...What's that? That wasn't her in that fucking shopaholic movie? Yeah, right. So, what? Are there two of these broads in Hollywood? Yup and the other one goes by the name Ilsa Fisher. You might remember her from such films as Talladega Nights and Enchanted. Hold on, that was the other Amy Adams? I'm never going to get this! See if you can tell the difference.

Who is the REAL Amy Adams?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chuck Biscuits!

Today let's talk about one of my favorite drummers; Chuck Biscuits. Above is a picture of Chuck as a young lad when he played with The Circle Jerks. Not only do the Circle Jerks have one of the greatest band names but they also [had] one of the greatest drummers too. Now I can't say much for the singer of the band...let's just say he aint Danzig! I know, I know, any punk rock purist would jam me in the eye with some sort of studded leather item for saying such a thing but hey Danzig was The Misfits so he should still hold some punk rock street cred. He's not a guilty pleasure because I will freely admit that I love Danzig but let's admit that he fell from grace some time ago. Anyhoo, I'm posting this today because I was in the mood to hear some Danzig and stumbled upon an older video with Danzig's best lineup (including Chuck Biscuits of course). I don't think I've ever watched Danzig live with this lineup, which surprises me. I can't remember seeing Chuck Biscuits play and after watching this I realize you would remember a performance like that.

Does this video make you want to put on a black tank top? It should.

Now I feel since I am posting this version of the song it's only fair to post this one as well:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do you like kittens?

So the little girl in this video is pretty much a genius! I hope her parents didn't put her up to this and it's actually genuine. This video makes me not hate children so much!

I'm running with this Koala thing...

UPDATE from Koala Town

Our last post was focused on the Australia wildfires and now we have an update on our little Koala friend. It turns out she has a name; Sam. She suffered scorched paws from the fires but otherwise is in good health. Scorched Paws...damn that's a great name for a band!

So what did Sam get out of this besides some burned up paws and painkillers (she's off the pills now)? How about a frigging boyfriend?! Damn right! A little dude named Bob who's also in the rescue shelter with a case of schorched paws. Raymond, a caretaker at the Mountain Ash Wildlife Center where the koala's are being taken care of said; "Bob is her protector — as soon as she is moved, he's on the move, too. It really looks like he's making sure she's OK".

...aint that sweet.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fire Down Below

Australia is having the worst wildfires they have ever had. My wife told me the other day that Australia is F'D up! I looked at some pictures today and felt awful. 181 people have died so far. What really kills me about the fires are all of the displaced and injured animals. As you know, Baby Arms is a very animal friendly site. Luckily we have people like this firefighter to help.

Look at that! He's sharing his water with an injured Koala! The Koala has his little mit on the firefighters. This is the greatest photo I have ever seen. It gives me hope in humanity.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bronzed Demon Cat

I want to get something bronzed pretty bad. I'd imagine you could bronze anything, right? What about a winged house cat...

BAM! It's bronzed!!

Actually it's not bronzed at all. This is a sculpture that a company is actually selling...for earth dollars! Can you believe that? This has got to be the worst execution of the greatest concept ever.

Their other sculptures however are amazing! Check out this cat wizard:

Now you try telling me that the Cat Wizard depicted in this statuette is not bad ass! You can't. It's impossible. If you can't handle this wizard cat you might be more interested in a statue of a cat-fish hybrid. I'm not talking about some Creole catfish, I'm talking about this thing: ...!!!

That's right folks, you saw it here first and I saw it here first:

...tell 'em Baby Arms sent you!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dance Party

How great is this song? Leave a comment and let's discuss it.

Kid on a Dinosaur

I'm not sure what I should talk about today. I probably shouldn't start my post like that? Oh well. Check out this kid!

There's something about the wonderfully stubby legs of a child hanging off of a dinosaur that I just love. Do you think this kid is scared? God, look at that stupid look on his face!

...The more I think about it the more I want a riding dinosaur!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another pop-in

AHHHH!!! I hate this guy!!! Stop Fucking smiling you asshole! I'm in your face! I'm about to scratch the shit out of you!

...Oh, hello. Sorry you caught me at a bad time. I did want to say hello to everyone at Baby Arms today. I'm a Flying Squirrel. Much like your pedestrian Squirrels I feed on nuts and whatnot left out by other species. Mostly nuts though. You may or may not have seen me flying, I'm elusive... I’m not going to lie. Well, it was great to see you guys. See you on the next Animal Day over here at Baby Arms.


Oh! Hello there!! I'm a newborn Hog Deer. I like Staring contests, wet noses and seeds. Oh, I've really been into milk lately. Have you ever tried milk? What's that? You have!
I have a baby brother, check us out:

Animal Day

You might have noticed a "pop-in" earlier by our bat friend, Mortimer. I forgot to let you know that today is Animal day at Baby Arms! We will be having Pop-ins all day. I hope you're ready!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my baby Ginger stops by. I'll see if I can talk to her; she hates blogs though. Well, stop by often today. You never know what you'll find!


I want one!

"Hey Guys! What's going on? I'm a tiny 'Little Brown Bat'. Got any berries?"